The MSP Event of the Year! Aug 27 - 30

MSP Spotlight: UNI Computers

Meet Lance Keltner of UNI Computers!


Tell us a little about your MSP…

UNI Computers was established in 1993 as a computer repair store in Lawrence KS.  I took over ownership in 2006 after working there for 7 years.  At that point, business managed services was a very small part of the business, but I knew it would be the future and where I needed to focus growth.  I continued to put time and effort into growing the business services side of the company and today it accounts for more than half of our total revenue.

How long have you been a member of The 20?

We joined The 20 in 2018 and are a bit past 2 years of being a member.

Why did your MSP originally look to partner with The 20?

The selling point for me was two fold and equal in importance:  #1 was the pre-curated stack of tools and security with the foundation already set and process in place to use, sell, and manage it.  #2 was the community.  I know enough to know what I don’t know, and having a large community of people just like me with all different experiences and skillsets is ultra-valuable.  Whenever I need an answer or solution to something, chances are someone has it and already knows it works.

Tell us about the biggest change in your business since joining The 20.

The biggest change for us is having a solid process that I didn’t have to invent from the ground up over the course of years that’s already proven to work.  I sell with supreme confidence backed not only by me, but also vetted by scores of other businesses around the country doing it the same way as I do, every day.

What do you like most about being a member of The 20?

What I like most is definitely the community.  I’ve formed life-long friendships here, which is not something I always do easily.  Everyone is here to help out.  No one is afraid of someone else stealing their stuff.  That’s rare in the world where everyone generally keeps their cards close to the vest.  I also like that if I need to get top leadership of The 20 on the phone for a call, it’s easy to do, and they are ready and willing to help with anything.  Our suggestions are taken seriously and more often than not brought into practice and used.  We are part of the process that makes The 20 better today than it was yesterday.

What do you think is the most important quality necessary for success?

The biggest quality for success is the willingness to change and adapt when it’s shown that you can do something better than you were doing it previously.

What are your biggest business challenges?

My biggest challenges personally are marketing and sales, which The 20 has helped with immensely but also the community and the people I have met have helped equally as much. The collaboration I’ve been able to do with other members has been priceless.

What are your areas of focus for 2020?

My biggest areas of focus are getting in front of prospects and keeping the pipeline full.  COVID brought about a lot of instant change, but we were fortunate enough that our base of clientele was very stable and so we haven’t suffered like some MSPs have.  Reaching new customers and bringing them the security and support they need has definitely been more challenging, and is the key area I’m working on as it dictates our overall growth.

What advice would you share with an MSP looking to scale their business?

Join The 20!  Seriously. Tim says the three most important things you can do are 1. Lead Gen, 2. Sales, 3. Scale.  That’s what The 20 is built on and what its focus is.  If joining isn’t possible, then those three things are still what you have to do, anyway you can.  They will decide how successful your MSP can be. Period.  I’ve doubled my MRR since joining The 20. This is the way.

What book are you currently reading?

I am currently in a few different books, which are all great:  The 4hr Work Week – Tim Ferris, Traffic Secrets – Russell Brunson,  Building a StoryBrand – Donald Miller.

Favorite blogs / podcasts

I haven’t been much of a podcast guy as I usually like reading more, so for blogs/sites it would be:

 1. The 20’s Teams community!

 2. Chris Wiser’s marketing program communities

 3. Cyware’s security daily email

 4. Recorded Future’s daily email


Interested in becoming a member like UNI Computers? Click here for more information!