The MSP Event of the Year! Aug 27 - 30

MSP Spotlight: Stratocent Technologies

Meet Jim Bachaud of  Stratocent Technologies!


Tell us a little about your MSP…

Stratocent Technologies was founded in December 2011 and we are located in Seattle, Washington.  This is an interesting market to operate in. We are located right next to the Microsoft Campus, where every potential client has a brother who works at Microsoft so everyone always feels like they already know how to do things, or they should, so they can’t imagine needing an outside service.

How long have you been a member of The 20?

We joined the 20 in May 2017, so almost 4 years.

Why did your MSP originally look to partner with The 20?

One of my concerns in marketing at the time was how to deal with a large client – how could I manage or market to a large client and SCALE – and I had no idea how to do that.  The 20 presented an opportunity to provide any size client with the scalable solutions I needed to forget any concerns about being able to fulfill any need a client presented.

Tell us about the biggest change in your business since joining The 20.

Stratocent now uses an entirely new stack of software and security products and services, for better margins, and better products.  The 20 presents an economy of scale that no MSP can achieve on their own.

What do you like most about being a member of The 20?

The FAMILY of members.  At the beginning, this was the biggest surprise for everyone – the support, expertise, and friendships that are available in this community and the wealth of information and knowledge.  Watching someone get hit with a cyber attack and watching other members drop everything to give him a hand.  THIS SH*T IS AWESOME.

What do you think is the most important quality necessary for success?

Perseverance and a sense of humor.  Nothing about this is an overnight miracle, and there will always be something that will leave a temporary bad taste in your mouth.  It’s important to weather the storms and keep at it.  This is farming, not hunting.

What are your biggest business challenges?

  • Getting myself out in front of new potential clients during a pandemic. 
  • Expanding the business requires closing new business. 
  • Getting myself extricated from the day to day support and focus on marketing and onboarding.  

This all requires discipline. 

What are your areas of focus for 2021?

2020 was our biggest year of revenue at $230,000.  I am out to double that this year.

What advice would you share with an MSP looking to scale their business?

You cannot do this on your own.

What book are you currently reading?

Never Split the Difference – Chris Voss

Interested in becoming a member like  Stratocent Technologies? Click here for more information!